
You'll have no need to exist / And wake up refreshed.

Recently I mentioned an individual who's been very influential in my life--a fellow seeker, and though his methods and the avenues of inquiry he travels diverge a bit from mine I believe we're both in pursuit of the same brand of truth. He knows things, and that's not a small achievement in this era of mindless surfaces and short attention-spans. He's always shared what he knows; his work focuses on the creation of a dialogue, and he'd like you to join him.

The conversation begins here. Please visit, listen, and contribute your comments and ideas. Tell us what you know, what you agree with, and what you think we're dead wrong about. There's a rapidly disappearing bottle of whiskey on the table, and smoking is allowed.

George Orwell tells us that "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." It's time.

1 comment:

We Do Not Exist said...

Fuck...guess we have to really up our game now...

bring it